Voor De Prijs van Mijn Koffie hebben we de tientallen bronnen gebruikt. In het boek pleiten we voor meer transparantie en traceerbaarheid in de koffieketen, dus willen we hier ook het goede voorbeeld geven of althans een poging wagen.


ICO – over ICO

ICO – koffieprijzen 1990 – 2018

ICO – koffieprijzen afgelopen 12 maanden

ICO – koffieproductie per land 2015-2018



Historie van de verspreiding van koffie over de wereld


Ecologie en klimaat

SCA whitepaper – Climate Change and Coffee: Acting Globally and Locally

The Guardian: How the climate crisis sparked an exodus from Guatemala

Nature – Resilience potential of the Ethiopian coffee sector under climate change

The Climate Institute – A Brewing Storm: The climate change risks to coffee






Coffee Toolkit – Sustainable coffee as a family business

Solidaridad – Gender equality analysis in Colombia’s coffee sector

Financieele Dagblad – En de koffieboer, hoelang ploetert hij nog voort?

Perfect Daily Grind – Renewing generational interest in Kenyan coffee production

Perfect Daily Grind – Farmworkers left behind: The human cost of coffee production

Fair Food – The future of coffee

Caravela Coffee – Peca

IBM – Farmer Connect Uses IBM-Blockchain to-Bridge the Gap Between Consumers and Smallholder Coffee Farmers

African Clean Energy

Starbucks – Responsible sourced coffee

Moyee Coffee – Impact report



Realtime c-prijs via Investing.com

OEC (Observatory of Economic Complexity)

ICO – Historie International Coffee Agreement

Solidaridad – Coffee Barometer 2018

Politifact – Coffee is not the second most traded commodity after oil

Perfect Daily Grind – How many dollars does it cost a farmer to plant a basic plot of coffee

Perfect Daily Grind – This is how much it costs to produce coffee across latin America

Perfect Daily Grind – What is coffee hedging and how does it impact producers

MVO Nederland – Future Proof Coffee Collective

MVO Nederland – Future Proof Coffee Collective 2

Reuters – Coffee slump reaps bitter harvest for central american migrants

ABN AMRO – Koffieprijs bevordert geen duurzame sector